
Begin growing in yourself or your leadership through 1:1 coaching! You will receive the experienced guidance and support you need to tap into your greater potential.

Through 1-on-1 zoom calls, messaging and email support you will get the help you need to achieve your goals! Not to mention, one of the most valuable tools in growth is having access to transparent accountability that you can trust.

  • Homer is an active leader today, and he has experienced success and failures. Most of the difficult lessons in leadership are the ones that you don’t expect to face. Decide to be effective and intentional by letting his experiences catapult your leadership forward so that you can make the most out of your time!

  • Homer’s sobriety date is January 27, 2010. He experienced the real addictions of drugs, alcohol, sex and pornography, but he found freedom through breaking the cycle. He is passionate about helping other people experience the same kind of breakthrough in their own lives. This coaching program is all about helping you to break the toxic cycles in your life that are holding you back.

  • If you’re starting out and ministry and you need direction and support from and experienced minister, this coaching program is perfect for you! Homer has more than 10 years of experience and still ministers on a regular basis. He knows the ins and outs of church ministry, as well as, on the ground ministry. Let Homer help you to excel and grow at what you’re called to do!

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